The Saber is a versatile tool that allows you to work with various concentrate consistencies, from cold cure and budder to shatter and fresh press. This guide provides helpful tips on using the Saber effectively with different concentrate consistencies to enhance your dabbing experience.
Tips for Using the Saber with Different Concentrate Consistencies:
1. Budder, Cold Cure, Sugars, Waxes, and Crumble:
- These consistencies (at room temperature) can be easily handled with the Saber "cold" (without heating).
- Use the Saber to scoop and load the desired amount of product into your atomizer or banger.
- The Saber's flat tip is designed to efficiently gather and handle these softer consistencies without the need for additional heat.
2. Shatter and Fresh Press:
- For shatter and fresh press consistencies, it is generally recommended to heat the Saber before use.
- Heat the tool for approximately 5 seconds, then slice a portion of the wax and collect as normal.
- Heating the Saber slightly helps prevent any resistance or sticking when scooping the product, ensuring a smooth and seamless loading process.
3. Storage Considerations:
- If you store your concentrate in the refrigerator, allow it to reach room temperature before using the Saber.
- Allowing the concentrate to warm up ensures that you experience the full aroma of terpenes and prevents any moisture from being trapped in the product.
- Working with concentrate at room temperature makes it easier to handle and load onto your atomizer or banger.