Taking proper care of your atomizer is essential for preserving the flavor and performance of your CARTA device. This guide provides instructions on how to maintain and protect both the Intelli-Core and Everlast atomizers for oil concentrates.
Step-by-Step Guide:
1. Swab after Every Dab:
- After each dab session, use a swab to clean the insert of your atomizer.
- This removes any residual concentrate and prevents "chazzing" (burnt residue) that can affect the taste of future dabs.
- Regular swabbing helps maintain the purity and flavor of your concentrates.
2. Avoid Overloading:
- Be mindful not to overload the atomizer with excessive concentrate.
- When concentrate leaks into the atomizer casing, it can affect subsequent dabs and compromise flavor.
- Overloading can cause continuous burning of the concentrate, leading to a tainted flavor experience.
- Use an appropriate amount of concentrate to avoid leaks and ensure optimal performance.
3. Periodic Cleaning:
- Every 25-50 dabs, remove the atomizer from the base for cleaning.
- Use an isopropyl wipe to clean both the base and atomizer connections.
- Wiping the connections helps maintain a solid connection and prevents any buildup that may affect performance.
4. Heating Precautions:
- Before removing the atomizer, heat up your CARTA device to ensure the connections are not "cold" and stuck with wax.
- Activate the device and allow it to reach a safe temperature.
- Once heated, carefully remove the atomizer while ensuring it is safe to touch.
- Heating the connections before removing the atomizer reduces the risk of damage to the base or atomizer connection.